Nouveautés en Graphisme
Munari, Bruno
Square, circle, triangle
In the early 1960s Italian design legend Bruno Munari published his visual case studies on shapes: Circle, Square, and, a decade later, Triangle. Using examples from ancient Greece and Egypt, as well as works by Buckminster Fuller, Le Corbusier, and Alvar Aalto, Munari invests the three shapes with specific qualities: the circle relates to the divine, the square signifies safety and enclosure, and the triangle provides a key connective form for designers.
N 7431.5 M867 2015
Poynor, Rick
Transgression : graphisme et post-modernisme
L'essai culte de Rick Poynor sur le postmodernisme dans le graphisme. Transgression est une véritable enquête au coeur du design postmoderne, du milieu des années 1970 à la fin du XXe siècle. Cette époque a transformé la discipline, en rejetant les canons du modernisme, qui dominaient la conception graphique depuis des décennies.
NC 998.45 P67P69614 2021
Abellan, Miquel
Green Packaging Solutions
Global responsibility and commitment to the environment mean the pressure is on to seek environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to combat mounting environmental degradation. The interest shown by designers in this field of packaging is clearly indicated by the outcome of numerous remarkable projects.
NC 1002 P33A233 2016
Catmull, Edwin
Creativity, Inc. : les secrets de l'inspiration par le fondateur de Pixar
Plongez au cœur de Pixar, ce monde créé par Ed Catmull et Steve Jobs, et découvrez les secrets de la créativité et de l’innovation.Quand il était jeune, Ed Catmull avait un rêve : réaliser le tout premier film animé par ordinateur. Il a poursuivi cette idée en créant Pixar en 1986 avec le fondateur d’Apple.
HD 53 C37214 2020
Moya, Julien
Créatif en free-lance, je me lance
Un ouvrage destiné aux créatifs envisageant de se lancer en indépendant, quel que soit le stade de leur réflexion. Qu'implique exactement l'indépendance? Est-ce difficile? Ai-je les compétences pour me lancer sans me rater? Quels sont les pièges à éviter?
HD 8036M692 2018
Elizegi, Rebeka
Collage by Women : 50 Essential Contemporary Artists
Curated by the Spanish collage artist Rebeka Elizegi, the book gives space to voices from all backgrounds, origins, and artistic expressions, and shows the wide variety of perspectives that are shaping the panorama of collage today, bringing to light a parallel effervescence of female artistic initiatives around the world.
N 6498 C65E442 2019
Parks, John A.
Comprendre (enfin) L’art
Partant d’une question simple, «Quel peut être le point commun entre une statuette d’art premier, un tableau de la Renaissance ou une performance d’art contemporain?», l’auteur dresse la liste de grands principes que l’on retrouve dans tous les arts plastiques et à toutes les époques.
N 33 P378 2015
Viction Workshop (Editor)
Handstyle Lettering : From Calligraphy to Typography
Handstyle Lettering puts the best in contemporary hand-lettering on display with artist profiles as well as broad surveys of handcrafted typographic projects used for signage, logos, invitations and more.
NK 3600 C433 2018
Victionary (Editor)
Flora and Fauna : Design with a Tribute to Nature
While the worlds of industry and technology are slowly catching up with the engineering marvels of nature via biomimicry, artists and designers have known from the beginning that natural imagery has a primal, irresistible appeal.
NC 997 F567 2018
Sherman, Whitney
Playing with Sketches : 50 Creative Exercises for Designers and Artistes
Playing with Sketches is a collection of fun drawing exercises and projects designed to keep your hands moving, and minds wandering. There are 50 activities in all, each one's a chapter by itself.
NC 730 S436 2014
B. Reddy, Steven
Every Sketching and Drawing : Five Steps to a Unique and Personal Sketchbook Habit
Everyday Sketching and Drawing offers an easy-to-follow, 5-step formula, which teaches beginner-friendly techniques for learning the skills necessary to make drawing and sketching an everyday habit.
NC 730 R423 2018
Bower, Stephanie
The Urban Sketching Handbook : 101 Sketching Tips
Illustrator, architect, and international workshop instructor and Urban Sketcher Stephanie Bower has collected 101 of her best insider drawing tips, hacks, and techniques and shares them in this fully illustrated, portable book.
NC 825 C57B686 2020
Sagmeister, Stefan, Walsh, Jessica
Sagmeister & Walsh : Beauty
In this groundbreaking highly visual book, world-renowned designers Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh set out on a mission: to find out what beauty is and the many ways that it impacts our lives. They turn to philosophy, history, and science to understand why we are drawn to beauty and how it influences the way we feel and behave.
NK 1412 S33A4 2018
Speight, Bev
Project Collage : 50 Projects to Spark Your Creativity
Collage is the art of reinvention. This magical and tactile process invites you to collect, experiment, combine and transform. These creative mashups don't require specialist equipment, only everyday materials. It is an art form for everyone and every budget.
TT 910 S636 2019
Plowman, Randel
101 Mixed Media Techniques : Master the fundamental concepts of mixed media art
Offering step-by-step instruction, visual inspiration, and even a library of copyright-free images, this hands-on guide covers all the necessary materials, tools, and know-how, from adding color and transferring images, to décollage.
TT 910 P562 2012
Doty, Cherril, Collaborateurs
101 Mixed Media Techniques : Master the fundamental concepts of mixed media art
Mixed media enthusiasts will enjoy learning the essential concepts for creating their own mixed media art—whether they are experienced in its approaches or just starting out.
TT 157 A526 2014
Jenny, Peter
Drawing Techniques : The Learning to See series
This series of small primers on drawing encourages readers not only to pick up a pen and start drawing, but to see the world that surrounds them with fresh eyes. Visual thinking and using one's imagination are skills that are often neglected in today's world.
NC 730 J46613 2012
Jenny, Peter
Unlearning to Draw
Unlearning to Draw looks to the art of children and outsider artists for inspiration, advocating a return to carefree, untrained drawing and a renewed focus on the joys of making rather than on the end result. Peter Jenny encourages readers to use family photographs as the starting point to develop their own types of outsider art.
NC 730 J46813 2015
Jenny, Peter
The Artist’s Eye : The Learning to See series
This series of small primers on drawing encourages readers not only to pick up a pen and start drawing, but to see the world that surrounds them with fresh eyes. Visual thinking and using one's imagination are skills that are often neglected in today's world.
N 7430 J46213 2012
Jenny, Peter
Figure Drawing : The Learning to See series
Readers will learn to perceive their environment in a new way and will soon follow his lead, discovering the joy of drawing. The book present twenty-two easy exercises focusing on a different aspect : Notes on Drawing Technique takes actions such as gesticulating, touching, feeling, doodling, and moving as the starting points for putting pen to paper.
NC 765 J46313 2012
Mollica, Patti
How to Paint Fast, Loose and Bold
Complete with timed exercises and start-to-finish painting demonstrations, this book is for any artist who feels overwhelmed by where to start or daunted by the urge to paint everything in sight. Patti Mollica's mindful approach will lead you to better, bolder results, as well as greater confidence and joy in the process.
ND 1342 M643 2018
Nelson, Mark Daniel
Learn to Paint Acrylics with 50 Small Paintings
Learn all you need to know about acrylic painting as you create 50 stunning mini paintings. Following an overview of painting fundamentals, illustrated step-by-step instructions accompanied by lessons on specific techniques lead your way.
ND 1535 N444 2014
Biskup, Tim
Tree of Life
Begins with his early roots in animation and traces the evolution of his distinct style: Tim Biskup has been referred to as a Baroque Modern master, and his work has been celebrated for its dense, character-driven style inspired by mid-century design infused with a healthy dose of punk rock energy.
ND 237 B57A4 2019
Stanfield, Frances, Mc Geown, Lucy
The Printmaking Ideas Book
The scope of printmaking is vast. The Printing Ideas Book explores the different processes available to artists - such as screenprinting, etching, lithography, risography, collagraphy, linocut, cyanotypes, woodcut, aquatint, monoprints, digital printing, drypoint and engraving - from a new and exciting angle.
NC 830 S726 2019
Bang, Molly
Picture This : How Pictures Work
Bang's powerful ideas remain unparalleled in their simplicity and genius: Explore the intricate and thought provoking ideas that Bang brings to Picture This including thoughts about how the visual composition of images works to engage the emotions, and how the elements of an artwork can give it the power to tell a story.
NK 1510 B366 2016
Tondreau, Beth
Layout Essentials : 100 Design Principles for Using Grids
À la fois outil de travail, source d’inspiration et livre de référence, cet ouvrage redonne leur place aux grilles à partir desquelles il énonce les 100 premières lois de la mise en page. De la plus simple à la plus complexe, chaque loi est accompagnée d’un exemple de mise en page qui l’illustre parfaitement.
Z 246 T664 2019
Williams, Mark
Visual Dictionnary of Illustration
The dictionary covers traditional terms still in current usage as well as modern terminology such as Raster and Punk. It also includes a wide variety of practical terms, such as Collage, Woodcut and Storyboard, as well as movements and styles including Dada, Surrealism, and Romanticism.
NC 997 W538 2009
Lamarre, Guillaume
L’art du storytelling
Présentation du storytelling, ou l'art de raconter des histoires pour communiquer sur un produit, une marque ou un travail. L'auteur puise dans différents domaines de la culture populaire ( publicités, séries télé, cinéma ou littérature ) pour illustrer ses propos.
P53.6L352 2018
Leamy, Selwyn
Le livre qu’il vous faut pour réussir vos dessins
Vous avez toujours voulu dessiner, mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer? Le livre qu'il vous faut pour réussir vos dessins démystifie les techniques de l'illustration et vous enseigne tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour commencer à dessiner le monde qui vous entoure.
NC 890 L42714 2017
Birch, Helen
Dessin d’après modèle
Cet ouvrage étudie 100 portraits réalisés sur le vif, pour en expliquer les techniques et les méthodes. Grâce à cet ouvrage, Helen Birch donne à chaque lecteur l’envie de prendre un crayon et de croquer les personnes de son entourage et de son quotidien.
NC 765 B57214 2017
Wilson, Kate
Le Grand Livre du dessin et de la peinture
Le Grand Livre du dessin et de la peinture réussit le pari de faire cohabiter explications techniques et pratiques créatives. L'auteure passe en revue l'ensemble des techniques de dessin et de peinture, en détaillant les matériaux, supports et outils nécessaires.
NC 730 W54214 2015
Buzulier, Pierre
Ce désopilant roman graphique, adapté du blog du même nom, raconte la vie quotidienne d’un directeur artistique au sein d’une agence de publicité. Entre espoirs déçus, complicité de bureau, bugs techniques et réunions absurdes, c’est le quotidien de milliers de créatifs qui défile sous les yeux du lecteur.
BANDE 1865 2015
Sundqvist, Fideli
I Love Paper
Totalement dans l’air du temps, cet ouvrage propose de fascinants modèles de créations en papier. À la fois livre d’inspiration et guide pratique, I Love Paper présente les outils et techniques de base nécessaires à la réalisation de formes en papier en trois dimensions.
TT 870 S86414 2015
Heller, Steven, Anderson, Gail
The Illustration Idea Book
The Illustration Idea Book presents 50 of the most inspiring approaches used by masters of the field from across the world. Themes covered include creating characters, symbol and metaphor, illustrated lettering, inventing worlds and caricature.
NC 960 H444 2018
Osterwalder, Alexander, Pigneur, Yves
Business model : nouvelle génération
Comment se positionner dans un paysage extrêmement concurrentiel ? Comment transformer ses idées en modèles économiques révolutionnaires ? Un guide pour visionnaires et challengers impatients de se lancer et de concevoir les entreprises de demain.
HD 30.28 O87214 2011